These are of green or brown colour. Even though Cladosporium is not reckoned as toxic, these cause serious health problems. Largely, these moulds are held responsible for skin issues and respiratory troubles. It is extremely allergenic and should be handled from distance. Aspergillus: These moulds can be of almost all the colours. These are highly allergenic. Under certain conditions, aspergillus is known to release toxins. Common symptoms of aspergillus development are: Asthma attack, Lung infection and Respiratory inflammation. Aspergillus is extremely likely to produce aflatoxins. It is reckoned to be a fatal carcinogen. Penicillin: This is one of the most well-known form of moulds which is easily traceable. Penicillin is generally green or blue in colour and has a velvety texture. Generally, penicillin grow on walls or in carpets. CRC joyous New Project | ATS Pristine Golf Villas | Gaur City 5th Avenue Resale | Freehold Properties in Noida | Dream Home Apartments in Noida |